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Jewelry for children: safe and stylish

Children's jewelry has been bought for a long time. But in the current age, jewelry for little ones has changed a lot. Children understand more, follow trends and want to wear jewelry as fashion accessories. Not just as a symbol of success or a nostalgic accent. With this shift in trends in mind, here are some tips for choosing the right ones!

The history of children's jewelry

Throughout history, children's jewelry has been worn for various reasons. From superstitious beliefs to displaying social status. In ancient times, they were made not only from simple materials such as shells, pebbles, feathers and leather. But also gold. 

Before our era, gold jewelry was given to newborns in many civilizations. This was done not only for decorative purposes. But also to protect babies from evil spirits. Small children are given a variety of jewelry on special occasions. For example, birthdays, holidays, etc.

The birth of a baby is always a precious moment. Gifting gold jewelry is like a memory for the whole family. Gold also has great religious and spiritual significance. For example, Nazariya bracelets are given to babies in India to ward off evil. Gold jewelry is also believed to bring good health and luck to the newborn.

In Victorian times, many babies wore silver or gold bracelets. Often with personal engraving. These ornaments became family heirlooms. Now they can sometimes be seen in museums.

Even today, gold jewelry is the best choice of gifts for babies. Therefore, there are various design options for earrings, bracelets, chains, rings and pendants.

Is jewelry safe for children?

A child may desire to wear jewelry all the time. However, it is important to think about security. A few tips: 

1. Jewelry with small details such as beads is not suitable for small children and babies.

2. Jewelry is not a toy. They should not be worn if there is a possibility that children may lose them while playing.

3. Children's jewelry should not be worn for too long or while sleeping.

4. Piercings should be cleaned frequently to avoid the risk of infection.

5. Do not allow children to put jewelry in or near their mouths.

6. As children grow, jewelry may need to be changed to prevent it from becoming too tight.

papuosalai vaikams 

From what age is it appropriate for children to wear jewelry?

Deciding at what age children can wear jewelry is difficult. For example, many parents believe that it is best to use earrings when the baby is young. Then it hurts less. Other parents prefer to wait until the baby grows up.

Around the age of 10, children are responsible enough to wear more luxurious jewelry. You can safely give accessories made of gold, silver or with precious stones to a little girl or boy.

Girls usually choose small necklaces, chains, bracelets and earrings. Boys adore bracelets and tasteful chains. A universal solution - pendants for little ones. There are also personalized jewelry that you can choose to make your child feel special. 

The most suitable jewelry gifts for little ones

From costume jewelry to valuable keepsakes. Children's jewelry makes a great gift or keepsake for a special occasion. It is important to choose jewelry that is specially designed for children so that it is safe to wear:

- earrings are perfect for little ones with pierced ears. If possible, choose gold earrings for children. They are less likely to have an allergic reaction to the metal;

- simple chain can be chosen for both girls and boys. It is perfect for everyday wear;

- children's bracelets are ideal for babies and younger children. 

When choosing children's jewelry for religious occasions, for example, for baptisms, you should consider their meaning. Traditions are an integral part of choosing jewelry for this occasion. Christening gifts are often valuable items that can be kept as an investment in the child's future. Cross pendant or an angel with a chain is a great solution.

Birthdays – an excuse to go for something more unique and personal. Children's bracelets, pendants and other jewelry with birthday stones are extremely meaningful. They seem to be intended for a specific child. 

What should you pay attention to when buying children's jewelry?

There are several factors you need to consider when buying jewelry for children. From style to knowing how to choose a safe accessory.

Children love to play with things

Adults must ensure that children do not get injured while playing. Avoid jewelry with stones embedded on the outside, which can pose a risk of snagging. Instead, choose jewelry with smooth, wavy surfaces, curved edges, and round cut stones. 

A personal touch works wonders

The current generation of children is far advanced in terms of general sophistication and knowledge. They follow trends better and clearly know what they like and what they don't. In such cases, it becomes a bit more difficult for adults to convince them to wear traditional jewellery. A simple solution is to choose a design that embodies the children's interests and the characters they like. Or personalized jewelry engraved with their name or encrusted with birthstones.

Safe materials

Children may react to certain substances. Especially when you're sweating. It is important to choose pure metals. For example, gold. Highly sensitive children should choose hypoallergenic products. This will reduce the risk of a reaction. 

Size and comfort

Children are constantly playing and moving. Before buying a piece of jewelry, it is important to check the size you need and make sure that the accessory will not be too tight or uncomfortable. It is well known that children grow things quickly. To prevent them from outgrowing their jewelry, choose adjustable bracelets, chains or necklaces that are flexible and can be lengthened as they grow by attaching additional chains.

papuošalai vaikams 

How to choose a children's bracelet? 

Each type of bracelet is different. It is important to consider which type will be most comfortable for your child and the general appearance of the bracelet. 

Personalized bracelets are a popular choice when it comes to children's jewelry. This is a unique style. The bracelet can be engraved with the child's name, date of birth or a meaningful phrase. A great gift idea for children.

Chain type bracelets, as the name suggests, are made using linked chains. Depending on the style you choose, they can be made of different metals and are more flexible. These bracelets are often more comfortable and easier to wear.

Cotton or silkstring bracelets for children often have a simple design. However, they can also be decorated with diamonds or precious stones.

Individualized bracelets make a wonderful gift. You can choose the design, metal and size, thus creating a unique item specially designed for your child.

To find out the correct bracelet size, measure your child's wrist before purchasing. Using string or ribbon can help you find a bracelet that fits comfortably. Depending on the length and style, try to add an extra 1-2 cm so that the bracelet does not tighten.

What are the best earrings for children?

There are several factors to consider when buying earrings for babies and children. The most important thing is that they are safe and comfortable for the child. For example, it is advisable to avoid dangling earrings.

Screw-in earrings is often the safest option. You don't have to worry about the piercing screw being tightened too tightly. They are also more difficult for a baby or toddler to remove. Therefore, the risk of suffocation is reduced. 

Pin earrings are also safe and popular. You need to push the round, flat base onto the earring pin until you hear a click. The earring will then be attached to the ear.

juvelyrika vaikams

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